Nerdy Weekly Baby Size: Week 23

This week for the Nerdy Weekly Baby series!

So one of my favorite things about being pregnant is finding out what is happening with the baby each week (how they are growing, what they are developing, etc). But what I don’t care for is how they measure the size of the baby, which tends to be the size of fruit and vegetables.

So based on, this week she is the size of a grapefruit. I don’t know about you, but when I’m at the grocery store, vegetables and fruits tend to come in lots of different sizes. My favorite was last week’s, which said she was the size of a papaya! I don’t know if you’ve ever bought one, but they tend to come in lots of various sizes. Why can’t they just pick something that does not vary in size like a ping pong ball and such? I know every baby isn’t the same size, but this is rather ridiculous…

So I’ve decided to figure out my baby’s length in nerdy items and determine her size every week based on that. So without further ado:
Nerdy Weekly Baby size!

Week 23: Height of Green Lantern lantern (11.5 inches)

Your baby weighs around 1.2 pounds (544 grams) and is about 11.38 inches (28.9 cm) long from crown to heel.

Weight: 1136 1×1 Legos (1.10 pound)
Me at 23 weeks going to Mary Poppins!

Your baby is starting to develop a sense of touch and is practicing breathing movements. While you may experience some common pregnancy symptoms, taking care of yourself and attending prenatal appointments is crucial to ensure a healthy pregnancy for both you and your baby.

At this stage, your baby’s skin is starting to develop a more natural look as layers of fat are deposited under the skin. The skin is still thin and somewhat translucent, allowing blood vessels to show through. Your baby is starting to develop a sense of touch, and their brain is now capable of processing information from their senses.

At 23 weeks, your baby’s digestive system is starting to produce meconium, which is a dark, sticky substance that will be their first bowel movement. They’re also practicing breathing movements, inhaling and exhaling small amounts of amniotic fluid to help their lungs develop.

Meanwhile, you may be experiencing some common symptoms at this stage. You may feel more tired than usual, have difficulty sleeping, and experience heartburn or indigestion. You may also notice some swelling in your feet and ankles, which is normal during pregnancy.

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