Nerdy Weekly Baby Size: Week 39

This week for the Nerdy Weekly Baby series!

When you’re 39 weeks pregnant, your baby is approximately the size of Captain Jack Sparrow’s Hat, weighing around 7 to 8 pounds and measuring around 19 to 21 inches in length. At this stage, your baby’s organs and body systems are fully developed and ready for life outside the womb. However, your baby is still growing and will continue to gain weight until the day they are born.

How You’re Feeling at 39 Weeks Pregnant

As you approach your due date, you may be feeling a range of emotions, from excitement and anticipation to anxiety and impatience. Physically, you may be experiencing a variety of symptoms as your body prepares for labor and delivery. Here are some of the most common symptoms and experiences you may be having at 39 weeks pregnant:

  1. Braxton Hicks contractions: You may be experiencing more frequent and intense Braxton Hicks contractions, which are practice contractions that help prepare your body for labor. These contractions may feel like a tightening or hardening of your abdomen and can be uncomfortable or even painful.
  2. Increased pressure and discomfort: As your baby continues to grow and move down into your pelvis, you may be feeling increased pressure on your bladder and rectum, making you feel like you need to urinate or have a bowel movement more frequently.
  3. Difficulty sleeping: Many women experience difficulty sleeping at 39 weeks pregnant, due to a combination of physical discomfort and anxiety about the impending labor and delivery.
  4. Nesting instinct: You may feel a sudden urge to clean, organize, and prepare your home for the arrival of your baby, known as the “nesting instinct.”
  5. Loss of appetite: As your baby takes up more and more space in your abdomen, you may be feeling full more quickly and may have a decreased appetite.
  6. Increased vaginal discharge: As your body prepares for labor, you may be experiencing an increase in vaginal discharge, which can be thick and sticky or thin and watery.
  7. Rupture of membranes: Around 10% of women will experience their water breaking as the first sign of labor, which can occur at any point after 37 weeks. It happened with both of mine.

While these symptoms may be uncomfortable or even painful, they are all normal and a sign that your body is preparing for labor and delivery. If you have any concerns about your symptoms, don’t hesitate to talk to your healthcare provider.

In addition to physical symptoms, you may also be feeling a range of emotions as you approach the end of your pregnancy. It’s completely normal to feel anxious, excited, scared, or any other emotions during this time. Remember to take care of yourself and reach out to your support system if you need help or reassurance.

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