Nerdy Weekly Baby Size: Week 28

This week for the Nerdy Weekly Baby series!

Congratulations! You are now in your third trimester and your baby has grown to an impressive size. At 28 weeks, your baby is roughly the length of Yondu’s Yaka arrow, measuring around 14.8 inches from head to heel and weighing around 2.2 pounds. But what else can we learn about the size and development of your baby at this stage? And what are some of the common symptoms and experiences you may be facing as a mom-to-be? Let’s take a closer look.

Yaka Arrow

The Size of Your Baby at 28 Weeks:

At 28 weeks, your baby is considered to be in the late second trimester or early third trimester of development. They are rapidly putting on weight and growing in length, which means they are becoming more and more recognizable as a newborn. By now, your baby’s eyes have fully formed and they are beginning to open and close them, allowing them to see light and shadows. They are also developing their sense of taste and smell, and may even be able to recognize the scent of amniotic fluid.

Your baby’s lungs are still maturing, but they are now producing a substance called surfactant, which helps to keep the air sacs in their lungs from collapsing. This is an important step in preparing for life outside the womb. Your baby’s brain is also developing rapidly, with billions of neurons connecting and forming complex networks that will help them learn, remember, and process information throughout their life.

In terms of size, your baby is now about the size of Yondu’s arrow, or a little over a foot long from head to heel. They are also starting to fill out and gain some baby fat, which will help to regulate their body temperature after they are born. It’s amazing to think about how much your baby has grown since those early days of pregnancy, when they were just the size of a Lego minifigure.

How You May Be Feeling at 28 Weeks:

As your baby grows, your body is going through a lot of changes to accommodate them. Here are some of the symptoms and experiences you may be facing at 28 weeks:

  1. Braxton Hicks contractions: You may start to experience Braxton Hicks contractions, which are practice contractions that help to prepare your uterus for labor. They can feel like mild cramping or tightening in your abdomen, but they should not be painful or regular.
  2. Shortness of breath: As your baby grows, they may start to press on your diaphragm and make it harder to breathe. This is a normal part of pregnancy, but if you are feeling extremely short of breath or have difficulty catching your breath, you should talk to your healthcare provider.
  3. Heartburn and indigestion: Your growing baby can put pressure on your stomach, leading to heartburn and indigestion. You may find relief by eating smaller, more frequent meals and avoiding spicy or acidic foods.
  4. Swelling: As your body retains more fluid, you may notice swelling in your hands, feet, and ankles. This is normal, but if you have sudden or severe swelling, it could be a sign of a more serious condition like preeclampsia.
  5. Trouble sleeping: Between the frequent trips to the bathroom and the difficulty getting comfortable with a big baby bump, you may find that sleep is elusive at 28 weeks. Try using pillows to prop yourself up or support your belly, and avoid drinking too much water in the hours before bed.

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