Nerdy Weekly Baby Size: Week 18

This week for the Nerdy Weekly Baby series!

As a nerd myself, I’m excited to dive into the details of fetal development at 18 weeks and how expecting mothers might be feeling during this time. So, let’s get started!

Gestational Size of a Baby at 18 Weeks:

At 18 weeks, the fetus is about the length of a Wii Controller, measuring approximately 5.6 inches (14.2 cm) from crown to rump and weighing around 6.7 ounces (190 grams). It’s amazing how much growth happens in just a few short weeks, as at 12 weeks the fetus was only around 2.1 inches long.

Nerdy Development:

During this stage, the fetus is starting to develop more defined features, with eyebrows, eyelashes, and hair beginning to grow. The ears are now in their final position, and the eyes, which were previously on the sides of the head, are moving closer together on the face. The fetal skeleton is also beginning to harden, and the nervous system is becoming more complex.

How You Might be Feeling:

For expecting mothers, the second trimester is often described as the “honeymoon period” of pregnancy, as many women feel an increase in energy and a decrease in the nausea and fatigue that can come with the first trimester. However, as the uterus continues to expand to accommodate the growing fetus, some women may start to experience discomfort or pain in the lower abdomen or back.

At 18 weeks, many women will have their mid-pregnancy ultrasound, which is a detailed scan that checks the baby’s growth and development. This scan can also reveal the sex of the baby, which can be an exciting moment for parents-to-be. But don’t worry, if you’re choosing to keep the sex a surprise, your ultrasound technician will respect your wishes.

Additionally, many women may start to feel the baby’s movements around this time. These early movements are often described as “flutters” or “butterflies” and can be a comforting reminder that the pregnancy is progressing as it should. Some women may even be able to feel the baby’s hiccups or distinguish between different types of movements.

In terms of pregnancy symptoms, some women may experience increased vaginal discharge, constipation, or heartburn. It’s also common to experience leg cramps or varicose veins as the body works to circulate blood to the growing fetus. As always, it’s important to stay hydrated and active, and to talk to your healthcare provider if you have any concerns about your symptoms.

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