This week for the Nerdy Weekly Baby series!
Welcome to the 31st week of pregnancy, nerds! Can you believe you’re only a few short weeks away from meeting your little one? At this stage, your baby is growing and developing at an incredible rate, so let’s dive into the gestational size of your baby at 31 weeks and what you can expect in terms of how you’re feeling.
Gestational Size

At 31 weeks, your baby is about the size of Andre the Giant’s hand, measuring in at around 16 inches long and weighing about 3.5 pounds. This don’t seem small, your baby has already come a long way since conception! In fact, during the third trimester, your baby will typically gain about half a pound per week until delivery.
Your baby’s senses are also continuing to develop at this stage. They’re now able to see, hear, and even taste! Your baby’s eyes are now open and they can distinguish between light and dark, while their ears are picking up on sounds from the outside world. And if you eat something sweet, your baby may be able to taste it in the amniotic fluid.
How You’re Feeling
As your baby grows, you may be feeling some discomfort and changes in your body. At 31 weeks pregnant, you may be experiencing Braxton Hicks contractions, which are practice contractions that help prepare your body for labor. They may feel like mild menstrual cramps or tightening in your belly and usually only last for a few seconds to a minute.
You may also be experiencing heartburn, constipation, and other digestive issues due to your growing uterus putting pressure on your digestive organs. Make sure to drink plenty of water and eat a fiber-rich diet to help alleviate these symptoms.
Fatigue may also be a common complaint at this stage. Your body is working hard to support your growing baby, so make sure to take breaks and rest when you need to. Sleeping on your side can also help improve blood flow to the placenta and reduce the risk of stillbirth.
Lastly, you may be feeling more emotional than usual. Hormonal changes can cause mood swings and anxiety, so make sure to take care of yourself both physically and mentally during this time.
Congratulations on reaching 31 weeks, nerds! Your baby is growing and developing at an incredible rate, and you’re doing an amazing job supporting them. Make sure to take care of yourself both physically and mentally during this time, and don’t hesitate to reach out to your healthcare provider if you have any concerns. We’ll see you next week for a nerdy look at being 32 weeks pregnant!
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- Nerdy Weekly Baby Size: Week 9
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- Nerdy Weekly Baby Size: Week 11
- Nerdy Weekly Baby Size: Week 12
- Nerdy Weekly Baby Size: Week 13
- Nerdy Weekly Baby Size: Week 14
- Nerdy Weekly Baby Size: Week 15
- Nerdy Weekly Baby Size: Week 16
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- Nerdy Weekly Baby Size: Week 18
- Nerdy Weekly Baby Size: Week 19
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- Nerdy Weekly Baby Size: Week 21
- Nerdy Weekly Baby Size: Week 22
- Nerdy Weekly Baby Size: Week 23
- Nerdy Weekly Baby Size: Week 24
- Nerdy Weekly Baby Size: Week 25
- Nerdy Weekly Baby Size: Week 26
- Nerdy Weekly Baby Size: Week 27
- Nerdy Weekly Baby Size: Week 28
- Nerdy Weekly Baby Size: Week 29
- Nerdy Weekly Baby Size: Week 30
- Nerdy Weekly Baby Size: Week 31
- Nerdy Weekly Baby Size: Week 32
- Nerdy Weekly Baby Size: Week 33
- Nerdy Weekly Baby Size: Week 34
- Nerdy Weekly Baby Size: Week 35
- Nerdy Weekly Baby Size: Week 36
- Nerdy Weekly Baby Size: Week 37
- Nerdy Weekly Baby Size: Week 38
- Nerdy Weekly Baby Size: Week 39
- Nerdy Weekly Baby Size: Week 40