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Epic Goodwill Run!

DragonCon Countdown: 48 Days! I don’t know if anyone is as much of a Goodwill shopper as me, but when I go to Goodwill, I usually have something specific in mind. I don’t go to browse, as I’m not typically much of a browsing shopper anyway, I would be overwhelmed! Last night, after putting Juliet […]

Cow Appreciation Day 2017!

DragonCon countdown: 49 days! Tuesday was Cow Appreciation Day, so we ran to Chick-fil-a before work to enjoy some free Chick-fil-a! For the past several years I’ve printed off spots and just taped them to everyone’s shirts, but of course with little kids, that means that usually all of the spots are off by the […]

DragonCon Count Down!

52 days!!  I only have 52 days and after a successful sewing project this weekend (I made a lacy t-shirt out of some leftover fabric while Isaac was at the Metallica concert), I have gone crazy decided to add two costumes to my wardrobe for DragonCon 2017. I still plan on wearing my Ms. Frizzle […]

Grand Resolutions

So remember that post I wrote last week about how I was finally adjusting to my new normal, that I was being happier and not wasting my time missing out on the moments… What was I thinking? Maybe it was the lack of sleep (Isaac has a cold and was up coughing/trying to find medicine […]

My New Normal

Lots of things have changed since I last posted. November was a crazy month, especially the week of Thanksgiving. Monday I started a new job Tuesday we bought a house Wednesday was Isaac’s birthday Thursday was Thanksgiving Friday was Black Friday (mostly spent at Home Depot) Saturday was moving day and UGA/GT football game (which […]

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