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Rocket Shoes for Ms. Frizzle

DragonCon Countdown: 7 days!! Only a week away!! For my original Ms. Frizzle Outfit, I purchased some cheap shoes from Goodwill to attach rockets to, which was a terrible idea. Cheap shoes for multiple hours at DragonCon meant I quickly acquired blisters and had to find bandaids which only slightly helped. This year, I decided […]

Dying my hair red

DragonCon Countdown: 11 days!! So for DragonCon 2014, I came up with the idea of being Ms. Frizzle because of my frizzy hair, but had never dyed my hair before. I figured with my DIY mentality, I could dye it myself with box hair color, so I did. These are some of the colors I’ve […]

Olivia’s Junior Jackets Dress

DragonCon Countdown: 14 days! 2 weeks!!! For Olivia’s birthday this year, my wonderful brother bought her Junior Jackets Club Membership. It means she gets a special shirt, a personalized badge, a Birthday Card from Buzz, some swag, and a free ticket to a Football game.  When the package arrived with the shirt, Olivia was underwhelmed. […]

Butterbeer Ice Cream

DragonCon Countdown: 15 days! Ok this is not officially for DragonCon, but getting into the spirit of all things nerdy. Sometimes on Thursdays at my work, I bring in homemade ice cream. I love making it for work because that means I get to try many different kinds of ice cream without it sitting in […]

Kaylee’s Shorts

DragonCon Countdown: 16 days!! Just this year, I finally watched Firefly. I had been reluctant to watch it because I knew it was supposed to be good, and it was so short. I did love it, and was so disappointed there wasn’t more. I did watch the movie Serenity afterwards, and hated it (Eh, it […]

Clever Girl Velociraptor Shirt

DragonCon Countdown: 27 days! When I found out about Spoonflower several months ago, I dreamed of creating some fabric of my own, especially something secretly nerdy. I am a huge fan of Jurassic park, and with all the floral/tropical patterns out, I thought I could create a pattern with ferns with a Velociraptor hiding in […]

Finishing up Olivia’s Supergirl

DragonCon Countdown: 18 days!! I have been searching for Red boots for Olivia for weeks and just couldn’t find the right ones. At Goodwill, most of the boots were rainboots which seemed uncomfortable for walking around. Online, I could purchase some boots, but most of them were $20 and I couldn’t see spending that on […]

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