So as I explained a couple weeks ago, I’m continuing to try to keep myself motivated to walk each week. Though it’s not as hard now that I’ve lowered my daily goal to 8000 steps (pretty simple to make with my normal walking around the office and my 40 minute walk during lunch) and I […]
I really don’t care about brand names
So as most normal 27 year old women, I tend to care about my appearance. I like wearing clothes that looks flattering and fit well and show off a bit of my personality. What I don’t care about is brand names… While at the Dollar Tree buying cards, the cashier mentioned how much she loved […]
On being too cheap…
I had these thoughts on my mind last night and decided I need to get them out into the world and see what others thought and express myself better. I would definitely call myself frugal. I know that my friends and most of my family know I’m an avid Goodwill/Consignment shopper. I love DIY projects and finding […]
Final day of the Million Step Challenge!
Its the last day and I’m on track to make my million (only 8000 steps left)! There were definitely ups and downs, weekends were harder than I thought to get steps in, being pregnant made me more exhausted in the evenings, and the weather did not always cooperate! All that said, I’m so proud of myself. I have […]
My stash at work – Day 5 of the Million Step Challenge!
Yesterday was the first day I haven’t made my goal of 10,000 steps for the day. I was able to get in my lunch walk like normal, but ran out of time in the evening for to make up for the 2000 steps I was lacking because I decided to watch tv, then the project […]
Day 3 of Million Step Challenge!
And today, in my rush to get out the door to meet my mom for walking, I forgot my pedometer!!! How could I? I feel so awkward without it after wearing it constantly for more than a month (from previous challenge). Luckily I have an Android smartphone and found a pedometer app that seems to […]
Day 1 of the Million Step Challenge!
It’s Day 1 and I’m so ready to go! After all of the food I ate for Thanksgiving (with 2 meals), I am ready to get moving again! I have my Google Doc all set up (let me know if you wanna join), my tennis shoes at work, and 2000 steps already from doing some […]
The Million Step Challenge!
It’s time for the MILLION STEP CHALLENGE! Grab your shoes and pedometer and get walking! What is the challenge you ask? Well its something I made up to get me up and exercising more than I normally do. I bought a pedometer in October and realized that I only get in about 2500 steps per […]
May the 4th be with you!
Happy May the 4th (Star Wars day) to everyone! Today I wanted to do something to honor Star Wars so created a work appropriate outfit that channeled Princess Leia! She tends to wear lots of white, but that didn’t seem too work appropriate and it was a rainy Friday morning here. Finally found inspiration in […]