Piles of Laundry!
Then, you hear a suggestion that has to be the craziest thing you ever hear.
“I do a load of laundry everyday and it has really simplified my laundry routine.”
Laundry everyday sounds worse…
Ok, maybe not worse than the mounds in the middle of your hallway because you thought moving your laundry room out of the basement was a good idea. And maybe not worse than the laundry baskets that you hide behind your bed out of sight whenever you have friends and family over. Definitely not worst than the hour you spend in your bedroom trying to fold laundry while your kids are playing nicely (“Whatever you are doing to each other, STOP!”)
So you give it a shot. You:
- You add a reminder to your calendar to start laundry every morning
The reminder is set for right after you get back from school drop-off so you don’t wake your youngest.
- You collect all the laundry in the house
Including those gross smelling dish cloths, and start your load. You set a delay end time if you are gonna be out of the house all day so it doesn’t get that not-dried-fast-enough smell.
- You switch the laundry from the washer to the dryer.
The buzzer went off and it was easy enough to switch. - You put the clean laundry in a basket
Definitely not a mountain. It barely fills the laundry basket. Really it’s only a couple outfits, most of the volume comes from the bath towels. - You get your kids involved putting the clothes away
If they are old enough to pick out clothes, they are old enough to put them back where they belong too. They thinks it’s a game and race each other to see who can put it away fastest. It doesn’t have to be perfect, just done. - You check the time on your phone
From the time you start sorting to the time you are done, it was 5 minutes. Seriously, that can’t be right. - You try again the next day
3 minutes. How is this possible?
Since you aren’t matching infinite amounts of socks, and sorting by family member then sorting by clothing type, you get through it really quickly.
Laundry Vanquished! Achievement Unlocked!!
Victory over the worst chores! Huzzah!
Are you really doing this? It sounds like a great answer to your hatred of laundry folding.
I’m really doing it! It’s been great, no reason to stop now!