Men in Black: Alien Attack – High Score Ride Tips

Wanting to max out and get 999,9999 on MIB (Men in Black) Alien Attack ride at Universal Studios or just improve your high score? We’ve got ride tips and hacks for you.

MIB: Alien Attack is one of our favorite rides in Universal Studios Orlando. We have done friendly anniversary competitions, and even had simultaneous high score “Max Outs” 999,999 on Father’s Day. Prepare to embark on a thrilling adventure as we delve into the world of Men in Black: Alien Attack, an iconic ride at Universal Studios Florida. This immersive experience takes you on a mission to protect the galaxy from alien scum, complete with an engaging storyline, provide insights into the intensity and duration of the ride, interactive gameplay, and hidden details that make every ride unique.

In this post, we’ll offer ride tips for first-timers, reveal how to achieve the elusive 999,999 high score, uncover hidden gems within the ride, explain the significance of the MIB 900 group, and guide you on getting an immigration tour. So, pull down your lap bars, grab your neuralyzer, and let’s dive into the Men in Black universe!

Storyline and Queue for Men in Black ride

As you enter the queue for the Men in Black: Alien Attack ride at Universal Studios, you’ll find yourself immersed in the facade of the 1964 World’s Fair exhibit, The Universe & You – Are We Alone? This sets the stage for the intriguing adventure that awaits you. Posters questioning extraterrestrial activity and alien encounters adorn the exterior queue, piquing your curiosity.

Upon entering the building, you’re greeted by a tour guide who, as it turns out, is an MIB agent. The voice of MIB Director Zed breaks through the speakers, revealing the true purpose of your visit. The tour guide ushers you into an elevator that transports you to the heart of MIB Headquarters.

The queue takes you through bright halls, allowing you to catch glimpses of the MIB office life. Try opening doors as you walk through the hallways (you might be in for some surprises!!) Take a moment to explore the bulletin boards filled with iconic alien gossip and news clippings, and peek into the break room where you might spot familiar aliens grabbing a cup of coffee. These meticulous details contribute to the immersive experience and offer a glimpse into the hidden world of the Men in Black.

This ride offers both Single Rider lines and accepts Express Passes.

Intensity and Duration of the Men in Black ride

Men in Black: Alien Attack is a thrilling ride that offers a moderate level of intensity.

You will be required to store your bags in the free lockers located outside the ride, similar to most rides at Universal Orlando. Please do this! I once lost my wallet that wasn’t secured my pocket, and they cannot retrieve lost items until the end of the day.

The ride vehicles rapidly spin 360° at 3 separate times and twists and turns many more times as you engage in an interactive shootout, creating an immersive and exhilarating experience. These spins can make some people queasy, so keep that in mind if you are prone to motion sickness.

The ride lasts approximately four minutes, during which you’ll navigate through various scenes, encounter aliens, and engage in target shooting.

Tips for First-Timers for high scores on Men in Black: Alien Attack

Now that you have arrived and are about to enter the Men In Black ride to try to get the high score, you will be separated into red side and green side. Each has their advantages for timing of targets and point values. “6 passengers per vehicle, 3 per row”. Here are our ride tips:

  1. Hold down the trigger! You can score points even if you don’t hit any targets. Remember, every 10 shots earn you 1,000 points.
  2. Stay on Target! Continuously zap the same alien. Each zap will earn you the same or more amount of points as the first one.
  3. Keep an eye out for aliens in unexpected places, such as windows, posters, parking meters, and disguised as everyday objects. These hidden targets can significantly boost your score.
  4. Take note of the above eye-level targets, they are high-scoring.
  5. Aim for the Fusion Exhaust Ports if faced against another ride vehicle. Hitting these ports can give you an edge in scoring.
  6. When Zed says to, push the red button!!

How to Achieve a High Score “Max Out” on Men in Black: Alien Attack

Scoring big on the Men in Black ride at Universal is the ultimate challenge for aspiring Galaxy Defenders, and fans of this ride at Universal Studios call getting the high score “Maxing Out”. To achieve the highest score of 999,999, consider the following ride tips:

  • I have had the best luck “maxing out” when sitting on the outside of the rear row of a cart.
  • Most of the high scoring targets are located higher up along walls. Keep your arms pointed upward and hold down that trigger.
  • Remember, it will take lots of practice and trial and error before you “Max Out” for the first time. Keep trying and you’ll see your scores steadily increase.

The High Score “Max Out” Walk-Through for the Men in Black ride

Get ready rookies! We haven’t got all day! Use these ride tips to get your high score on the Men In Black ride:

  1. Training Range:
    • Avoid the obvious targets on each alien in the training room, they are worth fewer points.
    • Hit the first hanging alien in the mouth for maximum points.
    • Once the first hanging alien is out of range, hit the next hanging alien in the mouth.
      After you’re unable to hit the second hanging alien, aim at any alien on the far wall for additional points.
    • I ignore the pendulum aliens as they are difficult to hit accurately, but if you have better sharpshooting skills than me, get those points!
  2. Crash Site:
    • Hit the small target on the nose of the crashed alien.
    • Continue shooting until the windows in the distance come into view.
  3. Pawnbroker Alien Upper Windows:
    • Shoot the Middle Slat Window of the Pawnbroker building. Note that this target may be closed when approaching from the crashed spaceship.
    • If this target is closed, transition to the target next window on the right. Shoot the SENSORS located on the slats underneath the Alien.
  4. Highrise Tower Windows:
    • Pick any window to shoot and stay on it until you get spun. I generally go for the left window.
  5. Tentacle Alien’s Cannon:
    • Shoot the sensor located underneath the main glass circular lens on the cannon. Follow the swinging, it is worth some of the most points in the entire ride.
  6. Chinese Shop Door Alien on Ground Floor:
    • Aim for the head of the alien and shoot.
  7. Curtain Alien in Upper Windows:
    • Shoot the sensors on the head of the alien as you turn around backwards.
  8. Ambush/Ride photo room
    • Hit the “JarJar Binx” Barrel Aliens.
  9. Eyes in the Trees:
    • Shoot the middle left set of eyes among the trees.
  10. Scanner Room
    • This is an opportunity to give your arms a break. “This won’t hurt a bit”
  11. Opposing Team’s Fusion Exhaust Port:
    • After the scanner, immediately lock on to the opposing team’s fusion exhaust port.
    • Shoot the red flashing circle on top of their cart for a spin.
    • Stay on the exhaust port for maximum points. As long as you can, stay on this. You should be nearing your “Max Out”.
  12. Eyes in the Posters:
    • If fusion exhaust ports don’t work or the carts are spinning, shoot the eyes in the posters.
  13. Parking Meter or Furniture Store Window Eyes:
    • Transition to shooting the eyes on the parking meter or the furniture store window. Shoot until they turn off and no longer score points.
  14. Opposing Team’s Fusion Exhaust Port Again:
    • Take a quick look back and shoot at the opposition’s fusion exhaust port if available.
  15. Sunglasses Poster Eyes:
    • Target the eyes on the sunglasses poster if they are still available.
  16. Big Bug Encounter:
    • Listen for Agent Zed’s instructions.
    • You have two options: either push hold the red button immediately after his sentence or continuously tap the red button when he says the word “RED.”

After the big bug encounter, there are no more points to be gained. Put down your gun and hold on tight as you spin!

Did you “Max Out”? Will your suit be ready by Wednesday? Are you a Galaxy Defender? Too bad you won’t remember it…

Beyond “Max Out” Challenges

Once you have achieved your high score “Max Out” on Men in Black: Alien Attack, here are some additional challenges you can attempt.

  • Play opposite red and green sides and see who gets the highest score (or if you both can “Max Out”!)
  • Pre-bonus “Max Out”: Getting 999,999 without needing to push the red button
  • Pre-scanner “Max Out”: Getting 999,999 before entering the scanner area
  • Training room score more than 100,000
  • Maxing out without 0 points in the training room
  • Maxing out then seeing how many points you can get with a second gun before the end of the ride.
MIB: 900 Club members for High Score Max Out Tips Men In Black ride at Universal Studios
MIB: 900 Club members

The MIB 900 Club for Men in Black: Alien Attack

Started in 2020, the MIB 900 Club represents a group of riders whose goal is to hit the high score of 999,999 and to teach other riders to “Max Out” as well while on the Men In Black ride at Universal Studios. They are some of the nicest people online and even nicer in person.

We were lucky enough to get a ride-along with some of their expert shooters on our first competition trip, and our scores drastically improved as they pointed out specific targets and gave us ride tips. They provide PDFs of extremely in-depth instructions on how to hit each target, including photos and red/green side-specific instructions.

To join the ranks of the MIB 900 club, simply join the Facebook group and read through all the strategy documents, familiarize yourself with the ride’s targets, hone your shooting skills, and aim for perfection. They don’t gatekeep, always tell you when they are around to do ride-alongs, take photos when the ride goes down of specific targets, and are super supportive of everyone getting better and better!

Post in the group as you continue to improve your score, see if any members are in the park to ride along while giving you tips, and cheer on your and other “Max Out”s from the group!

Commemorating your 999,999 high Score

Reaching the highest score of 999,999 is an extraordinary accomplishment. While the Men in Black ride at Universal Studios does not provide an official commemoration, you can celebrate your achievement in various ways. Take a photo with your ride vehicle scoreboard displaying the final score and then exit into the gift shop and purchase a dog tag with the date commemorating your “Max Out”.

Hidden Details on the Men In Black Ride

Men in Black: Alien Attack ride at Universal Studios is filled with hidden details that enhance the overall experience. Keep an eye out for the following gems during your ride:

  1. Find Frank the pug stationed at his newspaper stand.
  2. In the New York area of the ride, you’ll spot an alien cleverly concealing its identity by wearing the head of Steven Spielberg while casually reading a newspaper.
  3. Takes a bit of looking, but there is a fountain water feature during the ride.
  4. Keep an eye out for the red and white striped “Cat in the Hat” hat near the big bug at the end of the ride

Getting an Immigration Tour at Universal Studios

The Men In Black ride at Universal Studios Florida offers an exclusive experience known as the “Immigration Tour” for all guests. This behind-the-scenes tour provides a look at all the details of the lower lever of the Immigration Room. We have done this several times and love the detail they have put into the papers on the desks. To inquire about the Immigration Tour and its availability, ask any Team Member along the ride queue to see if it might be available (best to do it when the wait times are low).

Ready for Villain-Con Minion Blast at Universal Studios?

Just opened in August 2023, Universal Studios Florida has a new blaster game in Minion Land. Villain-Con Minion Blast takes your blaster game play to a whole new level with App syncing, blaster customization, strategic gameplay, missions, challenges, and leaderboards! Find out our ride tips for this new ride on this blog post!

Are you ready to be the Best of the Best of the Best on Men in Black: Alien Attack?

Men in Black: Alien Attack ride at Universal Studios Florida is an absolute must-visit for fans of the film franchise and thrill-seekers alike. With its captivating storyline, interactive gameplay, and hidden details, the ride immerses you in the world of Men in Black like never before. Armed with the ride tips provided, you can maximize your high score, discover hidden gems, and even strive to join the elusive “Max Out” club. So, gear up, channel your inner agent, and get ready to defend the galaxy on this exhilarating ride of a lifetime!

Did our tips help you get a High Score on the Men in Black: Alien Attack ride at Universal Studios?

999,999 Max Out at MIB: Alien Attack High Score

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