Israeli Salad Recipe

This time of year I’m searching for amazing simple healthy recipes to incorporate into my life. Something tasty enough that I can eat it several days in a row when I make enough for leftovers and quick enough I can just get it made.

I was eating this salad like crazy this summer when our garden was full of cucumbers and roma tomatoes and fresh mint. So when I saw a package of cucumbers in the almost bad bin at Kroger, I grabbed them and some roma tomatoes with this salad in mind.

I often use this recipe as a topping for a romaine salad accompanied by diced chicken and goat cheese, with the juices created by the salad as dressing. I have also paired it with feta cheese and served it over grilled chicken. The Publix Apron’s class we took served it over falafel waffles, but we sadly don’t own/have room for a waffle maker.

How would you use the recipe?

Israeli Salad Recipe
(adapted from Publix Apron’s Cooking School)

Ready In 15 mins
Serves 4


  • 1 Cucumber, diced small
  • 4 roma tomatoes, diced small
  • 2 slices of red onion, minced
  • 1 Tbsp dried parsley or 1/3 cup fresh parsley chopped small
  • 10 fresh mint leaves, diced
  • 1 lemon, juiced
  • 1/4 cup olive oil
  • salt and pepper
  1. Dice all of the vegetables and put them together into a bowl.
  2. Add in the parsley and mint
  3. Add most of the lemon juice and all of the olive oil.
  4. Add the salt and pepper to taste, and remaining lemon juice if it needs it. 

Use it as a topping for salad, for chicken, or just eat it as is!

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