2019 is here! The start of the new year brings new hope for the future. So many resolutions and plans for change especially in regard to your well-being.
And so many fad diets! One of my friends recently told me about the Guinness Diet where you only drink Guinness and vitamin D orange juice (to replace lack of Vitamin D and C in Guinness) because it contains all the minerals your body needs to survive…
But today I am sharing the only diet you will ever use again! I have been using this consistently since I had my first child and am sure I will continue for at least 18 more years.
The Mom Diet
- None! You can do this with any food group, it is especially great with “Junk Food”
- You must feed your children before you start eating yourself, something they specifically asked for like PB&J
- Make or acquire food for yourself (as if you were going to eat it all by yourself)
- And here is the key:
- Share a portion or all of your food with your child.
You will immediately notice that you are eating less!!
As a weight-loss solution, this diet tends to work best when you have no more of the food you had planned to eat in the house. For example, that last piece of candy you had been saving and hiding in your desk drawer for when you need it the most, like when your kids are on your last nerve, usually about 5 minutes before dinner. Attempt to eat said piece of candy, and of course that is the moment they walk in…
This diet plan also works great for foods you thought your kids wouldn’t love. Like Blue cheese. Cuz what 2-year-old likes blue cheese. Oh, mine does apparently. She loves it best licked off Wheat Thins then requests more be slathered onto the soggy licked cracker. Delicious!
And after some thought, the only exception to this diet is alcohol. Do not share alcohol with your kids… Call any drink that you don’t want to share “beer” and they will immediately not want it.
Has anyone else had success with this diet plan? Share your success stories below or with the hashtag #themomdiet on your favorite social media site!!
Lol I have been successful until the last few years when he matured and now he eats my food!!!