In preparation for a Beer Hunt (Combination Pub Golf and Scavenger Hunt, attributed to Kelly) several girls are getting together to make camo/hunting outfits. Here are a couple tips for how to prepare for such an event! (Stephanie has graciously agreed to be an example)
1. Find a Pattern
Finding a pattern is not hard, choosing just one is the hard part! There are free patterns online (like Burda Style) or great ones at craft stores. Jo-Ann’s has McCall patterns on sale for 99¢ rather frequently, and you can search online before going to the store. Stephanie searched online first and found this pattern.
She is actually doing the black style. She did perfect picking out this pattern online because:

She knew how much fabric to get based on the dress and her size (do not do like I did on my previous post and buy the fabric before knowing the amount of fabric you need. I got lucky)
She knew exactly what type of fabric to buy and what additional pieces to buy (it no fun making trips to the store when you are on a roll!)

She was able to go when there was a sale and got the pattern for 99¢! Way to go Stephanie!
Step 2: Buy Your Fabric,Thread & Extra Bits
The pattern should tell you exactly what kind of fabric it would recommend you using. Since the pattern Stephanie is using doesn’t have zippers or elastic, it needs to be stretchy. My mother-in-law recommends that you buy cotton thread (a tad more expensive) because she finds it doesn’t break as often when you are sewing.
Sometimes stores have sales too! Right now Hobby Lobby has one item for 40% off!
Step 3: Additional Things to bring (if you have them)
Fabric Tape Measure
Seam Ripper (I tend to use mine a lot)
Cutting Mat
Step 4: Things that the hostess will provide
Ironing Board
Sewing Machine
Extra Sewing Feet (like my roll hem foot) –>
Extra Needles
Step 5: Go into this with an open attitude!
Your first dress/purse/item of clothing might not turn our perfectly. It might take you much longer than you expect. You might not get it all done. You may have to re-sew several areas. It might not fit as well as you hoped.
Bonus Step: Cut out your fabric before the day
I find that cutting and getting all the fabric ready to put together takes much longer than sewing it. If you have time before, go ahead and cut everything out. That way you can be the first on the sewing machine!
-Find Pattern
-Get Fabric, Thread and Extra Bits
-Get together extra things to bring
-Know what the hostess will have
-Go into it with an open attitude
(extra) Cut and iron the fabric before the day
I’m so super excited about our sewing day! Thanks Katie for offering to host it! Hooray!