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Day 1 attire, my favorite Jurassic Park Shirt and Ellie Sattler’s earrings |
Today is the first day of my fully remote job and it is new and exciting! I’m going to try my best to not spend everyday in pajamas, but it is the first day and I have the best of intentions so we’ll see 🙂
And while working from home has so many advantages, there are some things that I will be spending more money on.
1. Coffee
I drank the coffee at work that everyone else complained about, but really I just like a little coffee in my milk 🙂 I still need my coffee fix, so I’ll spend more on that.
2. Toilet Paper
Because I’m home more…
3. Dishwasher detergent
Because I’ll be eating lunch and breakfast here. I usually had a breakfast bar when travelling to work, and I was eating out way more frequently than brown bagging it, so didn’t have dishes to wash.
4. Air Conditioning
Since I’ll be at home during the hottest part of the day when I normally leave the house temperature higher, we’ll be running the AC earlier.
5. Craft Supplies
Now that I’m working entirely from home, my girls will be with me more frequently and will need more distractions while I do my work. We have already done a DollarTree run and filled our Amazon shopping cart with supplies to keep them occupied.
But there are some things I’m likely to save money on:
1. Lunch Out
I was eating out almost every lunch that I was going into the office (only twice a week but still) and it was glorious! My co-workers pick out some amazing restaurants and led me to try new things (Pho, Korean BBQ, Jamaican, Indian, Laotian) and I will definitely miss it. Maybe I can sneak out sometimes and catch a meal with them 🙂
2. Gas
Not only did I have the commute to work, but I also was dropping off my girls with the grandparents (which my girls adore) which extended my drive.
3. Clothes
Not that I was spending much on that to begin with, but since I can wear more casual clothes, I won’t need to spend as much
4. Disposable Diapers
Ok, how does working from home save money on diapers? We use cloth diapers at home and are in the process of getting Juliet potty trained because I’m home to train her!
5. Takeout
When I had to go in to work, there were days when I came home with the best intentions to cook, but ended up too tired. Hopefully now I can do more prep and be able to cook more dinners from home!